The College Senior's Essential Guide to Surviving First-Year: A Must Read for Every Freshman, Preparing for School Over the Summer

The College Senior's Essential Guide to Surviving First-Year: A Must Read for Every Freshman, Preparing for School Over the Summer

This special series of the My Dorm Store Blog will cover everything freshmen need to know according to college seniors! They have seen it all and have lots of tips and tricks to share to make sure your first year is a good one. Today we'll be sharing a university senior's guide to preparing for school over the summer. 

Even though I'm about to start my fourth year of school, I can still clearly remember the summer before I started at the University of Toronto. I was simultaneously excited and nervous to be starting at a new school. I wanted to make sure I was taking advantage of every opportunity to embrace this new stage in my life.

I signed up for frosh, started investigating academic support options and began looking at upcoming residence social events. Although this all can seem overwhelming, doing a bit of work now can make all the difference later on! The best part is that your school wants you to be involved and encourages participation. If you read school newsletters and reach out to your academic advisor, you're already well on your way!

Don't let your nerves get in the way of you fully experiencing college life. Sign up for frosh and go have fun! Talk to as many people as possible, and learn about their experiences. This is how you start building your sense of community and belonging at your new school. Maybe you'll meet your new next best friend, and maybe you won't! Don't get caught up in your expectations of what you think your experience should be. Enjoy it for what it is, because it will be better than anything you could have anticipated. 

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